Sunday, February 25, 2007

Comment on 100 patterns every developer should know

I always find it interesting that we think most developers are capable of following or recognizing a good design. Nick sugests that there are potential 100 essential patterns that each developer should know. I think patterns are far beyond hard for an average developer.

As my favorite software legend Juval Lowy of IDesign would say "its all plumbing". This plumbing should be left for people like Juval. So what is the solution? It depends (Juval's favorite).

If we can progress from Assembler to C/C++ to managed code, shouldn't we be able to do something similar and eliminate patterns completly?


The Trees said...

You can probably cut the number of patterns by some amount, but even then if a developer is going to write code then it needs to follow patterns.

The Trees said...

Maybe you need to suggest that we cut it from a top 100 to a top 10 :P